Essure Removal

Texas Urogynecology & Laser Surgery Center

Robotic Surgery & Cosmetic Gynecology Practice located in El Paso, TX

For many women experiencing negative side effects and complications of Essure® permanent birth control, expert minimally invasive surgeon Richard Farnam, MD, can help. Dr. Farnam performs Essure removal procedures at Texas Urogynecology & Laser Surgery Center in El Paso, Texas. Do you feel abdominal pain, tiredness, heavy periods, sexual pain, headaches, and confusion? You are not alone. Dr. Farnam has helped women all around the country resolve their Essure side effects. Your options are not limited to hysterectomy. We offer traveling patients a telephone consultation for Essure removal. Call the practice or request a consultation online.


Essure Removal Q & A

What is Essure?

Essure is a method of female sterilization, or permanent birth control, that involves placing small, metallic coils inside each fallopian tube. After a few months, your body forms scar tissue around each coil and blocks off the fallopian tube.

The FDA reports that women have experienced adverse events related to Essure, including tears in the uterus and fallopian tubes. After December 31, 2018, the manufacturer of Essure (Bayer) stopped selling the device.

What are the side effects of Essure?

Essure warning sign

Clinical trials have found short-term and long-term side effects of Essure. Common short-term side effects include:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Cramping
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Dizziness and/or fainting

Long-term risks and complications of Essure may include:

  • Persistent pain
  • Tear in the fallopian tubes or uterus
  • Device migration to the lower abdomen or pelvis
  • Allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to the device

Since no form of birth control is 100% effective, unintended pregnancy is another risk. Essure may increase your chances of ectopic pregnancy or implantation of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube.

How can I get my Essure coils removed?

If you’re experiencing negative side effects of Essure or decided to have the coils removed for personal reasons, Dr. Farnam can help.

Once you know you want the Essure devices removed, it’s important to select a skillful surgeon to perform the procedure. Although Essure coils get inserted through the vagina, removal requires careful surgery.

The Surgical Robot is the ideal tool to enable the meticulous surgical precision required for Essure removal. Dr. Farnam is a world-renowned expert in robotics and has helped many women return to their normal active lives.

What should I expect from Essure removal?

First, Dr. Farnam performs a physical exam and reviews your symptoms and medical history. If you want your Essure coils removed but still don’t want to have children, he can perform another type of tubal ligation procedure to prevent pregnancy.

In cases where pregnancy is desired, Dr. Farnam reviews your options for reversing the sterilization procedure.

Dr. Farnam performs Essure removal while you’re asleep under general anesthesia. The procedure usually takes about 60-80 minutes. Afterward, Dr. Farnam or a member of his team provide you with instructions on how to recover at home.

Are you ready to put these Essure side effects in the past? Are you looking for a national expert with experience in Essure removal? Then schedule an in-person or telephone consultation with Texas Urogynecology & Laser Surgery Center today.